What makes you a boy?
/This exchange took place between my 2 1/2-year-old son and I while driving.
Son: "Daddy, you're a boy and a daddy?"
Me: "That's right. And you're a boy and a son."
Son: "What makes you a daddy?"
Me: "You make me a daddy. Having kids makes me a daddy."
Son: "I make you a boy too?"
Me: "No sweetheart, we're boys just because."
Son: "What makes you a boy?"
Me: "Well, boys have a pee-pee. Girls don't have a pee-pee"
Son is silent for 10 or 15 seconds.
Son: "Girls only poo-poo?"
I die inside from joy and amazement.
Me: "No, I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. Girls do go Pee-pee, but they don't have a penis like you do."
Son: "Girls only have butts."
Me: "Well, the do have a butt just like you, but they have different parts. They don't have a pee-pee, they have different parts."
Son: "Girls have different parts?"
Me: "That's right."
Son: "My parts are better?"
Me: "No sweetheart. Girl parts are different. Yours are not better, just different."